
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

10 Tips for a Greener, More Eco Friendly Fall

Fall Foliage Mousepad mousepadThe fall season and back to school time brings with it a lot of change, many purchases for school, and many new activities. Last year, we offered some tips on reducing back to school waste. This year, we're going to focus on small changes we can all handle that will help not only the environment, but ourselves.

Driving our children to school has grown more popular over the past few decades. Why? Is it laziness, or to protect our children? If your child is old enough, some walking might be a bigger benefit than driving them home from school - for both of you. You'll have more time on your hands, and they'll be getting outside, enjoying the outdoors, and getting some exercise. You won't even notice that you'll be saving gas, and helping the environment.

Teach your kids the importance of conserving school supplies. Pens, pencils, paper, printer paper, ink cartridges, and even electricity from your computer can be reduced.

- Teach your child to use both sides of the paper in their notebooks, and to recycle old homework papers.

- When printing out text documents and photos, consider printing in black and white "quick print" options by changing your printer preferences just before you print. You'll save an enormous amount of printer ink, and you won't have to purchase another one so soon.

- Avoid quick, pre-portioned, highly packaged snacks as much as possible. Give them a reusable sealed container to use over and over again instead.

- Go through your old clothing from last year that doesn't fit your children. If other children they know might not be able to use them, you donate them, or sell gently worn (and still in good condition) clothing on Ebay. This guide gives you some great tips on how to sell gently worn clothing on Ebay.

Looking for more tips on reducing waste around your household? Here are some additional great resources:

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